Saturday, 2 January 2016


The word hegemon means “leader” or “dominant actor” and the term hegemonic stability points to the main argument of the theory: stability results from a situation of hegemony, in which one great power dominates others. It is argued that Hegemony leads to peace, according to the book, “International Politics: Power and Purpose In Global Affairs” by Paul D’ Anieri.

France is the world’s new hegemonic power and the transition began in 2012. When most people declared the end of the world, it was merely a cosmic introduction of the new world rulers.

In 2013 it was thought Germany will succeed the US, since Germany is today Europe’s hegemonic power economically, but France is the strongest male energy country on earth that will transition the world from Pisces age to Aquarius Age.

Through François Hollande’s leadership, France has taken the initiative not just to lead Europe but to lead the world. The Economist editor Zanny Minton-Beddoes, in 2013 wrote an article “The Reluctant Hegemon” accusing Germany for reluctance to lead Europe and added that France was in denial after François Hollande’s announcement that the euro crisis was over when it was far from over.

Economical Stability refers to an absence of excessive fluctuations in the macroeconomy. An economy with fairly constant output growth and low and stable inflation would be considered economically stable. An economy with frequent large recessions, a pronounced business cycle, very high or variable inflation, or frequent financial crises would be considered economically unstable. Economical Stability is one of the elements considered for the hegemonic power.

Recently during the COP 21 Sustainable Innovation Forum 2015, we saw the Paris climate change agreement exceeding expectations in its efforts towards climate stability. It is without a doubt that the future requires 2 major types of stabilities for good and acceptable governance; economic and climate. Climate change being driven mainly by the idea of clean energy and accessible energy to all, the end of fossil fuels. France as a new world leader is taking the lead in this regard.

American Thinker editor James Lewis wrote an article in September 30, 2015 calling Russia the new hegemon, claiming that Russia is gradually pushing Europe back from the East and continues to say that Putin wants to exploit the U.S weakness and so called betrayal of their allies to rebuild Russia as a superpower. But we all know that the rise of a new hegemon doesn’t just happen overnight but there are constellations and alliances. The world rulers have long settled with the idea of France taking over from the U.S. and more over Putin is nobody’s friend as they put it, he is a Russian Nationalist with a closed domestic alliance with the Orthodox Church.
He went on to say that the French has a long history of allying with Russia against Germany, and today they seem to be rebuilding that alliance. Only Russia has the will and the military capacity to resist jihad by infiltration. France just launched a bombing raid against Isis training camps which in turn caused a French September 11 massacre.

France invasion of Mali 2012 was the workings of both the U.S as the then hegemonic power and France, running the operation to combat Islamic militants. In 2013 others were afraid that China will overtake the U.S economy, ushering in a new era of Chinees international political dominance. But the new next global hegemon or superpower is France and we the ordinary people never saw it coming.

France After Hegemony: International Change and Financial Reform” is a book by Michael Maurice Loriaux, quote; “There is no consensus that the degree to which the hegemon has “declined”. The United States is still a price-maker in many areas, notably in the area of finance. It can still use control over access to its market as a tool of power, and it is still quiet active in the management of certain international economic problems, such as the debt crisis. Nevertheless in the area that interests us specifically – international monetary relations- the U.S has abandoned responsibilities it once assumed, those of managing international monetary stability on a global level by sustaining the system the system of fixed but adjustable rates and shed the onus of managing a stable international currency. The U.S retreat from leadership gave rise first to the Franco-American monetary conflict of the economy.

Ark Of The Covenant In FRANCE 2016

In 2012 January we released a prophecy that the ark of the covenant is returning to France after the success of François Hollande as the new French President after Nicholas Sarkozy.

The Ark of the Covenant is God seated on the mercy seat. France, heaven has found favor with you and brought one of Her wells to give you water, one of Her Palm trees to give you refreshment by bringing God back as The Sun Daughter "Re" to the center ...and that the Mothers' hand shall be forever upon you, to heal you and to restore you, and your household, which means your wife Africa will also heal and shall be restored because you will restore her.

The “Ark of the covenant” served as the place between heaven (the throne between the cherubim) and earth (the place of the Temple). The purpose of the Ark was to enable the Presence of God to be manifested among the people. For this reason – to house the Ark – the Tabernacle, Tent of Meeting, and finally the Temple. In biblical prophecy, it’s disappearance and reappearance is linked with the destiny of the Temple as well as that of national (France) symbol of divine discipline and restoration.

The movement of the ark is not only moving West, it is still in the West or still moving West now because these are the last days of a masculine ruling energy, the Pisces era. The United States of America (U.S.A) has passed it over to France, both countries currently holding permanent seats in the UN. The new era (age) of Aquarius-Leo is feminine and in the next 2000 years the ark will be moving South and East. The movement of the Ark is associated with the Hegemonic Powers on Earth.


Numbers are defined as the universal landscape: the building blocks of all reality. Numbers are the building blocks for our understanding of how life is constructed. The movement of the earth, moon and other planets are geometrical in nature. Music is simply math expressed as tone. When we see with our third eye numbers laid out the in the sky, this is when we enter a new world of stability and organistaion. Each Number has its own spiritual power, vibration, and significance.

Essentially, numbers are symbols. Numbers can represent stages of spiritual growth and the archetypal energies of the collective unconscious. Numbers and counting have become an integral part of our everyday life, especially when we take into account the modern computer. These words you are reading have been recorded on a computer using a code of ones and zeros. Numbers dominate our world.

Apparently the concept of zero as a number and not merely a symbol for separation is attributed to India.
The story of zero is actually a story of two zeroes: zero as a symbol to represent nothing and zero as a number that can be used in calculations and has its own mathematical properties.

It has been commented that in India, the concept of nothing is important in its early religion and philosophy and so it was much more natural to have a symbol for it than for the Latin (Roman) and Greek systems.
“The importance of the creation of the zero mark can never be exaggerated.This giving to airy nothing, not merely a local habitation and a name, a picture, a symbol, but helpful power, is the characteristic of the Hindu race from whence it sprang.

It is said that the word “zero” came via the French word zéro, and cipher came from the Arabic word safira which means “it was empty.” Also sifr, meaning “zero” or “nothing,” was the translation for the Sanskrit word sunya, which means void or empty. But empty is the emptiness of something, which means nothing is nothing ...or nothing is not nothing really.

The number zero must be regarded more than just the word sipher/cipher for zero because it became a word for secret code in modern usage but we must really see it as a beginning of creation, beginning of greatness. It is an honor to come to zero, to experience it, to feel it so 1 can mean something, 2 can mean something, 3 and all the way up to 9. Zero is the foundation and we grow from there!


Meaning Behind Dreaming of Numbers :

If you are dreaming of more than one number, you can reduce the sequence to a single number to derive meaning. For example, if you’ve dreamed of the number 10010, you can reduce it (1+0+0+1+0=2) to two and go from there. Go to to view the meanings of each number.

Sense of Smell

According to “The Smell Report – The Human Sense Of Smell“; although the human sense of smell is feeble compared to that of many animals, it is still very acute. We can recognise thousands of different smells, and we are able to detect odours even in infinitesimal quantities.

Our smelling function is carried out by two small odour-detecting patches – made up of about five or six million yellowish cells – high up in the nasal passages.

For comparison, a rabbit has 100 million of these olfactory receptors, and a dog 220 million. Humans are nonetheless capable of detecting certain substances in dilutions of less than one part in several billion parts of air. We may not be able to match the olfactory feats of bloodhounds, but we can, for example, ‘track’ a trail of invisible human footprints across clean blotting paper.

The human nose is in fact the main organ of taste as well as smell. The so-called taste-buds on our tongues can only distinguish four qualities – sweet, sour, bitter and salt -all other ‘tastes’ are detected by the olfactory receptors high up in our nasal passages.

In Zulu we say, "si-nuka umkhondo", meaning, we smell the correct direction for our prey. Our sense of smell is restored at this stage of transformation in order that we may smell "fish"...(fish in this instance refers to contracts with relevant people, alliances, agreements and also correct direction connected to our fecundity and increase). Our sense of smell like all of our other senses must be transformed connecting well with our spiritual dog as a people from the Dog planet Sirius!

Saturday, 5 April 2014

France has a gift to produce and direct change: Why France?

Why France?

Power to the people! Is a slogan, the French chanted way back then, in the late 1700's, yet as a world,  as a people we are still putting our footing forward to enlightenment in terms of human rights. The world as we knew is rapidly changing. The war in Syria has left millions of people destitute. As a South African myself, I wasn't born free, we were born right in the middle of a struggle and it is only since 1994 South Africa is enjoying a constitution that respects civil rights of all. European Nations are reversing from being the leaders of modern civilization to struggling passing through their supposedly shared economical burdens and achieving common understanding instead the divide is growing and far right wings are at a rise,

 ...On the other parts of the world we have Venezuela, Palestine, Afghanistan, Yemen, Burma and others which are currently faced with political injustices that will plague the future of all humanity. Globalisation as good as it is ideally, as much as we support it's intended ideals and as much as we understand that globalization is progress; But we disagree with starting over in a new world while Africa is holding bad deals; signed or in some cases pressed or tricked to sign unfair agreements that disadvantaged us heavily. We want equal partnership. Nobody wins on bad deals even if at the moment it may seem as winning, the truth is what goes around comes around. Today unfortunately this has increased Immigration that has left thousands desperate, undocumented, orphaned, homeless and dead at sea. 

The world therefore finds itself at cross roads. 

This is the time for the French to take hegemonic kind of leadership ...because of history with Africa and because of it's history and experience on the French revolution where the French people rose up against the then unfair tax laws, the Aristocratic traditions, oppressive religiosity cultures, inequality, hunger you name it and overcame victorious against a seemingly rigid structure of power and it's representatives. Who better to help a world to start over than the French?

Established during the birth of the new republic, from the blood of the French revolution. The French revolution was born from an idea of recreation, creation --- where people began to believe (The beginning of the ages of Enlightenment ideal) ...that it is possible to recreate everything in the society, not only that you can change politics, institutions but that you could change human nature itself through political action or through causes and movements. Indeed progress came at a price; thousands died and finally in 1794 Maximeleon Rodspear chief architecture of the galotine, was fed to the monster of his own creation, which ended bloodshed.

The French Revolution constitute a cross roads of the modern world where everything turns into a different direction.

The problem is that nations do not learn from one another! We don't even learn from each other's mistakes. 

For instance to highlight a few, not limited to; South Africa has a gift of producing world class leadership. France has a gift to produce world class change, re-/creativity and confidence. USA used to have a gift to produce and create world class opportunities and frontiers . Cameroon has a gift of a good ear, and a gift to center all things like data, currency, religion. Central African Republic, a world class gift of recognition, China has a world class gift of learning and exploration. Ethiopia has unchallenged gift of life survival & purpose, Nigeria has a gift for business and networking, Kenya is innovation, and so on and so forth ...

Why is recognising and appreciating these attributes important? Because we can take advantage of this knowledge and unleash the opportunities provided by it. Avoid repeating the same mistakes and work in unity! This ignorance about other nationalities robs us of understanding.

For example:

The French Revolution is the revolution of which upset things the most through out history; gotten reed of Catholic Church, Nobility, Monarchy, Hirachy, Aristocratic traditions (The privileged ones) order of life which included the unfair taxation laws. It chattered new cause towards the future, a new order of the society. "It brought bread to the poor, democracy to France, and The Declaration Of The Rights Of Men

Therefore France conquered for all of us, as such recieved a gift to produce and direct change. Change or transformation is difficult, but France has the grace for it. Because of this Declaration, French nation created vast opportunities to innovate, create, rebuild a new world, a new society. France also opened itself up as a shelter and provided a home to abandoned foreigners who were or are denied rights in their own countries. 

Such as the likes of Josephine Baker, chasing a rainbow world, free of racial discrimination. She did what no one has ever done. She was the most loved artist in France, in her adopted country. 

Born in 1906, in USA under Jim Crow laws of racism and segregation. Beautiful, complicated, courageous Josephine wanted to change the world, she lived to prove that people of all colours can co-exist as a rainbow world. She danced her way out of St. Louis. New York. 1925 She felt she has reached a ceiling of a black girl in the USA, she moved to Paris, FRANCE. France had no segregation, no Jim Crow laws. People were just people.

Bessie Coleman, also called "Queen Bess" born 1892 North Eastern Texas. Changed the face of Aviation both figuratively and literallyShe swore she will amount to something.  After the war ended her brothers returned from France, and they began teasing their sister Bessie by telling her that, "French women have better career prospects", some French women, they added, "they even took to the skies as pilots" …Bessie took her brothers remarks as a propercation to learn how to fly. This steered up a deep hidden longing inside of Bessie to amount to something, hearing this from her brothers, ignited hope that it was afterall possible only if she would change a location and move to where she could stand a chance to realise who she was; As she discovered that no American aviation training schools were willing to train women or nonwhites students. Undeterred by the limitations placed by her gender and race, she developed a plan to make it to France and learn to fly.

She took French lessons, got a better paying job, and enlisted the aid of african americans to bring  her plan to fruition. Claiming to be younger than her actual age of 28, applied for an American passport. June 15th 1921, she became the first person in the world, man or woman, to earn an international pilot license. 

So why France?? 

I can relate with these two ladies, Bessie and Josephine. France was not an obvious choice, for many reasons: ie. language, ...and as a result, I always feel chosen by France. It's destined.

South Africa today is a rainbow nation and a democratic country, but there are still major inequalities and gender disparities which still block women from fully blossoming. I had also reached the ceiling prescribed for me in my company. I was curious, wanted more, I wanted higher education in my field at a Ph.d level. I always felt something was missing. I was an artist who didn't even have time and means to grow their talents: suffocating in the demands of a career, motherhood, womanhood and religion. I wanted to realize my full potential, and I knew that it was not about to happen for me in my own country. I wanted change and I also want to be part of those who change the world. I always knew that I was born to serve human beings somewhat but didn't know how. 

I guess that's why France! 

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

South Africa's Aerospace Industry Lacks Implementation Plan

South Africa's previous efforts in developing women in aviation or aerospace lacks impact on higher levels, in-fact we have little to show for it. Recruitment agencies, NRF and other research institutions has indicated with statistical data this shortage.

SOUTH AFRICA perceives aerospace as a potential sector to boost it’s economy and as a result the government has recently highly prioritized Aerospace Industry---which includes Aviation, Defence & Space. “A Sectoral Analysis Of The Aerospace Industry In South Africa” was the research project commissioned by the department of labor; it was conducted by a consortium that included the Human Science Research Council (HSRC), Development Policy Research Unit and Sociology of Work Unit. This research emphasized on the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS) role is providing strong input towards aerospace industry development. Amongst other issues highlighted the shortages of qualified skilled personnel in both engineering and aerospace management especially in black females.

Formal training in aerospace is very limited in South Africa. Aerospace companies obtain a large part of their training from international customers. One common practice involves sending technicians and engineering staff abroad given the scarcity of trained aerospace personnel. This is unfortunately the current predicament that must definitely change in the future, we can also say that these are still investments periods for the country’s aerospace education and there will come a time where we reach breakeven point and begin reaping from our investments.

We need to increase our offering spectrum of aerospace degrees provided inside South African universities available for ALL South Africans, ...till then we will continue to experience lack especially female engineers. Sending individuals one by one to countries such as France and the USA to educate our own is not sustainable in the long run. 2030-2050 we need to be graduating our own aerospace human resources in this sector.  

The status quo in South Africa can only be changed by us aviators. Honestly I feel chosen by the circumstances to make the change.

The idea is increasing masters and Ph.D holders in this field, not only will anable to add new innovative ideas to our industry but also to supervise and mentor other researches and teach in our own universities to produce more and more aviators and aerospace personnel. More importantly this will be our opportunity as South Africa to finally stop our total dependability to other countries. South Africa will have the same aeronautical or astronautics universities within South Africa for SADEC region providing the same level of education for it’s citizen. For the university or similar training institutions to exist the country will need professors and part of that, it will require talent with PH.D’s in this field.

Our children, our future demands better from us, we need to act now, we need to implement, we need a plan and most importantly we need to make ourselves accountable to each other. The current situation needs a more aggressive approach and awareness in stimulating education appetite in our human resources in opposite to position and promotion appetite.

Implementation; +/-action
Implementation is to carry out, it is to put into action, it is to perform, it is to complete, it is to satisfy or to fulfill.

The definition of implementation that resonated within me was, "To fill Up". So we need to fill up what? Fill up the gaps, fill up the expectations, fill up the roles, fill up the facilities, the institutions, etc... We need to start filling up and putting our money to align with our conversations.

Friday, 21 December 2012

The Distance : >8200 km~11.8 hrs by Air

By Air: If you were in a plane say a A380 and maintained an average cruise speed of 450 mph (724.1 kmh) over the course of your journey it would take you around 11.8 hours to get from Johannesburg to Toulouse

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

South Africa, from Kwa-Zulu Natal

The beautiful South Africa 

South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa, is a country located at the southern tip of Africa. It has 2,798 kilometres (1,739 mi) of coastline that stretches along the South Atlantic and Indian oceans. To the north lie the neighbouring countries of NamibiaBotswana and Zimbabwe; to the east are Mozambique and Swaziland; and within it lies Lesotho, an enclave surrounded by South African territory. South Africa is the 25th-largest country in the world by land area, and with close to 53 million people, is the world's 24th-most populous nation.

South Africa is a multiethnic society encompassing a wide variety of cultures, languages, and religions. Its pluralistic makeup is reflected in the constitution's recognition of 11 official languages, which is among the highest number of any country in the world. 

About 80 percent of South Africans are of black African ancestry, divided among a variety of ethnic groups speaking different Bantu languages, nine of which have official status. The remaining population consists of Africa's largest communities of EuropeanAsian, and multiracial ancestry. All ethnic and linguistic groups have political representation in the country's constitutional democracy, which comprises a parliamentary republic and nine provinces. Since the end of apartheid, South Africa's unique multicultural character has become integral to its national identity, as signified by the Rainbow Nation concept.

South Africa is ranked as an upper-middle income economy by the World Bank, and is considered to be a newly industrialised country. Its economy is the largest and most developed in Africa, and the 28th-largest in the world. In terms of purchasing power parity, South Africa has the seventh-highest per capita income in Africa, although poverty and inequality remain widespread, with about a quarter of the population unemployed and living on less than US$1.25 a day. Nevertheless, South Africa has been identified as a middle power in international affairs, and maintains significant regional influence.

Mzansi, derived from the Xhosa noun umzantsi meaning "south", is a colloquial name for South Africa.

Empangeni is a town in KwaZulu-NatalSouth Africa. It is approximately 160 kilometres northeast of Durban, situated in hilly countryside, overlooking a flat coastal plain and the major harbour town of Richards Bay only 15 kilometres away. The N2 freeway runs just east from Empangeni.

Empangeni/Richards Bay, climate is sub-tropical with an average temperature of 28.4°C in summer and 14.5°C in Winter. 

Zulu tradition is held in high esteem by the most populous ethnic group in South Africa. 


In Zulu tradition, sacrifices are made to the ancestors for protection, health and prosperity.  

The Zulus are fond of singing as well as dancing. These activities promote unity at all the transitional ceremonies such as births, weddings, and funerals. All the dances are accompanied by drums.

The Zulu term for "family" (umndeni) includes all the people staying in a homestead who are related to each other, either by blood, marriage, or adoption. Drinking and eating from the same plate was and still is a sign of friendship. It is customary for children to eat from the same dish, usually a big basin. This derives from a "share what you have" belief which is part of ubuntu (humane) philosophy.

Military conquest allowed men to achieve status distinctions that had become increasingly important. This culminated early in the nineteenth century with the warrior-king Shaka conquering all the groups in Zululand and uniting them into a single powerful Zulu nation, that made its influence felt over southern and central Africa. Shaka ruled from 1816 to 1828, when he was assassinated by his brothers.

Shaka recruited young men from all over the kingdom and trained them in his own novel warrior tactics. His military campaign resulted in widespread violence and displacement, and after defeating competing armies and assimilating their people, Shaka established his Zulu nation. Within twelve years, he had forged one of the mightiest empires the African continent has ever known. The Zulu empire weakened after Shaka's death in 1828.

One of the most significant events in Zulu history was the arrival of Europeans in Natal. By the late 1800s, British troops had invaded Zulu territory and divided Zulu land into different chiefdoms. The Zulu never regained their independence....

Monday, 10 December 2012

Where in France---Toulouse: Why France?

France officially the French Republic, is a sovereign country in Western Europe that includes overseas regions and territories. Metropolitan France extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channeland the North Sea, and from the Rhine to the Atlantic Ocean

France is the largest country in Western Europe and the European Union, and the third-largest in Europe as a whole. With a total population of around 67 million, it is the third most-populous European country. France is a unitary semi-presidential republic with its capital in Paris, the nation's largest city and the main cultural and commercial centre. The current Constitution of France, adopted by referendum on 4 October 1958, establishes the country as secular and democratic, with its sovereignty derived from the people. The nation's ideals are expressed in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, one of the world's earliest documents on human rights, which was formulated during the seminal French Revolution of the late 18th century.

France has been a major power in Europe since the Late Middle Ages. It possessed the second-largest colonial empire during the 19th and early 20th centuries. This legacy is reflected in the prevalence of French languageculture, and jurisprudence worldwide. Throughout its long history, France has produced many influential artists, thinkers, and scientists, and remains prominent global centre of culture. It hosts the world's fourth-largest number of cultural UNESCO World Heritage Sites, drawing around 83 million foreign tourists annually – the most of any country in the world.

French citizens enjoy a high standard of living, with the country performing well in international rankings of education, health care, life expectancy, civil liberties, and human development. France is a founding member of the United Nations, where it serves as one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council. It is a member of numerous international institutions, including Francophonie, the G8, G20, NATO, OECD, WTO, and the Latin Union. France is a founding and leading member state of the European Union.

Toulouse is the capital city of the department of Haute-Garonne, in southwestern France. It lies on the banks of the River Garonne, 150 kilometres from the Mediterranean Sea and 230 km from the Atlantic Ocean, and 580 km away from Paris. With 1,202,889 inhabitants as of 1 January 2008, the Toulouse metropolitan area is the fourth-largest in France, after Paris (12.1 million),Lyon (2.1 million), and Marseille (1.7 million).

Toulouse is the centre of the European aerospace industry, with the headquarters of AirbusGalileo positioning system, the SPOT satellite systemEADSATR and the Aerospace Valley, considered as a global cluster.

The city also hosts l'Oncopole de Toulouse, the largest cancer research centre in Europe, the European headquarters of Intel and CNES's Toulouse Space Centre (CST), the largest space centre in Europe.Thales Alenia Space, and Astrium SatellitesEADS's satellite system subsidiary, also have a significant presence in Toulouse. Its world renowned university is one of the oldest in Europe (founded in 1229) and, with more than 119,000 students.

Toulouse was the capital of the former province of Languedoc (provinces were abolished during the French Revolution), the former Visigothic Kingdom and was the capital of the historical region of Occitania (Southern France). It is now the capital of the Midi-Pyrénées region, the largest region in metropolitan France.

A city with architecture typical of Southern France, Toulouse counts two UNESCO World Heritage sites, the Canal Du Midi (designated in 1996 and shared with other cities), and the Basilica of St. Sernin.

The Canal du Midi is a 241 km (150 mi) long canal in Southern France. It was originally named the Canal royal en Languedoc (Royal Canal in Languedoc) but the French revolutionaries renamed it to Canal du Midi in 1789. It was considered at the time to be one of the greatest construction works of the 17th century.

The canal connects the Garonne River to the Étang de Thau on theMediterranean and along with the 193 km (120 mi) long Canal de Garonneforms the Canal des Deux Mers joining the Atlantic to the Mediterranean. The canal runs from the city of Toulouse down to the Étang de Thau near the Mediterranean.

Strictly speaking, the Canal du Midi means that part initially built from Toulouse to the Mediterranean — the Deux-Mers canal project aimed to link together several sections of navigable waterways to join the Mediterranean and the Atlantic.

It was the wheat trade that motivated the construction of the canal. Colbert authorized the commencement of work by a royal edict of October 1666. Under the supervision of Pierre-Paul Riquet the construction took from 1666 to 1681 during the reign of Louis XIV. The Canal du Midi is one of the oldest canals of Europe still in operation (the prototype being the Briare Canal). The challenges in these works are closely related to the challenges of river transport in modern times. The key challenge, raised by Pierre-Paul Riquet, was to convey water from the Montagne Noire (Black Mountains) to the Seuil de Naurouze, the highest point of the canal.

It was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996.

The Pyrenees, also spelled Pyrénées, is a range of mountains in southwest Europe that forms a natural border between France and Spain. It separates the Iberian Peninsula from the rest of continental Europe, and extends for about 491 km (305 mi) from the Bay of Biscay (Cap Higuer) to the Mediterranean Sea (Cap de Creus).

For the most part, the main crest forms a massive divider between France and Spain, with the tiny country of Andorra sandwiched in between. The Crown of Aragon and the Kingdom of Navarre have historically extended on both sides of the mountain range, with small northern portions now in France and much larger southern parts now in Spain.

The demonym for the noun "Pyrenees" in English is Pyrenean.